Andrés Ríos (Medellín, 1979), develops his work mainly from a concept that he finally ends up formalising in different media such as drawing, painting, photography, installation and digital printing. The intrinsic methodology of the creative process often becomes the grammar of his works. He approaches other disciplines such as design and new digital methods that enrich and make his language a heterogeneous source. Andrés Ríos approaches artistic practice as a thought process that develops in a methodical process of elaboration, almost meditative, that insists on repetitive experimentation until exhausting its resources to essential elements or maximum abstraction.
This practice is present in his paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations and site-specific projects, producing a heterogeneous body of work which, although varied and in constant reformulation, maintains a profound internal coherence.
The neatness and meticulousness of his works contrasts with the manual and artisanal quality of his processes and finishes, endowing them with an unexpected warmth and haptic and emotional richness when observed closely.
The tension and balance between opposites; familiarity and strangeness, structural or ornamental, functional or playful, and the frequent allusion to the body, refers to issues related to the affectivity towards our environment and the unconscious relationship we establish with the codes of visual representation.
During his studies, he has worked as an assistant in audiovisual creation and public art projects, and has collaborated with different artistic collectives in Madrid.
He currently lives and works in Munich.